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Who can I ask about ...?

Application Students with foreign title must apply through the unique on-line form 

The Program (general enquiries, program structure, admission procedure) after reading carefully the information published on this website and especially the page International students

Visas, formal requirements and enrolment for foreign students  or students with foreign previous degree
International Students Desk - Mobility and International Didactics Office 
Vicolo Benevello, 3A (first floor) - 10124 Torino 

For information about opening hours check the box at the bottom of the Application Page



Applications, acceptance, resident permit  and general information about city and university life ask The International Mobility Office

Support for disabled students

For facilities services aimed to ease the studies, the attendance and the every day life for students  contact Edisu

For  other references 

 The content of this page is going to be soon completed with more information. Come back here regularly to be fully updated

Last update: 21/09/2018 23:24
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