- Generici
DC 10 New materials developed using green approaches
14/09/2023 18:25
DC 15 Assessment and technology integration
14/09/2023 18:11
Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of new supported photocatalytic materials for water decontamination/disinfection
14/09/2023 17:21
DC7 Use of sewage sludge biochar and derived products for the removal of wastewater contaminants
14/09/2023 17:09
DC 5 Developing of green analytical chemistry methods
14/09/2023 16:49
DC 3 Non-target and target analyses by HPLC-HRMS and CECs prioritization to assess water quality in extreme conditions and the effect of treatment procedures
14/09/2023 16:46
DC1 Use of a passive sampling method coupled with non-target analyses and bioassays to characterize water samples
14/09/2023 16:38
2021 Raman Day registration form
10/01/2021 18:59
Template_final year report (3rd year)
02/09/2020 12:47
Template_final year report (1st and 2nd year)
02/09/2020 12:46
Concorso di Ammissione al Dottorato in Fisica XXXV ciclo: valutazione dei colloqui / Phd admission procedure: Detailed interview's results
24/07/2019 08:29
Template_Thesis evaluation form
27/10/2017 14:19
Thesis Cover and Back-cover page - Co-tutelle
16/10/2017 17:49
Thesis Cover and Back-cover page
16/10/2017 17:49
Instructions for the Thesis
12/12/2016 15:37
Suggestions For Giving Talks
02/10/2015 18:59
Advice to beginning speakers
02/10/2015 18:51
Creditizzazione e dichiarazione attività
24/01/2013 15:23
Offerta Didattica 2011 - 2012
14/03/2012 11:30